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Maya was selected as a new child spokesperson with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (in collaboration with the American Lung Association), ... for Asthma Control ...
Here are her first commercials for television, radio, YouTube spots, web films, online marketing, social media, digital billboards, print and on-air promotions during local weather segments. The commercials were shot at our home here in San Bernardino.
They are part of a PSA campaign to announce No Burn Day alerts in the state of California, during which wood fires are not allowed due to high pollution or health risks.
CSUSB Media Release: http://news.csusb.edu/2014/11/csusb-professor-and-daughter-featured-in-scaqmd-campaign-for-asthma-control/
She was also commended in the SB Sun for volunteerism: http://www.sbsun.com/social-affairs/20141129/san-bernardino-students-demonstrate-compassion-generosity
With Chicano elders from the 1968 school walkouts; Carlos Montes and Bobby Verdugo
With acclaimed Chicano actor Pepe Serna (Angel from Scarface)
Had a nice breakfast with good friends from the Mexican Consulate. Despite their hectic schedule helping our inland communities, they still took their Sunday morning to share a great home cooked meal. I've been officially nicknamed Dr. Ohtli.
Thanksgiving Week 2014 we went to Disneyland
Maya loves Science - viewing on her microscope and conducting experiments
Two-sided fan I hand-made, guacamaya feathers on one side, with painting on other
Some of Maya's certificates from Summer 2014
Maya 5th grade - Hillside Elem. school picture
Taco Tuesday
Our 2015 Valentine’s Day drum circle — with Ollin Kin, Anna Bernasconi, Jason Martinez, Chloe Soto, Gloria Aurora Soto, Laura Hernandez and Colotl Garcia.
Diego chilling with his homies in our backyard patio. Pizza, jacuzzi, and videos.
Heart Rock in Crestline was the inspiration for Maya’s science project. this is amazing and beautiful
and naturally formed perfectly shaped heart formed from sedimentary rock
I'm going to enroll Maya in the children's Iron Chef Contest. Here she is making home made empanadas with ground beef and pork roast
“We are not foreigners, we didn't have to cross a ocean to get over here, as far as I'm concerned we are as native as the tree outside.
-at San Bernardino Valley College, Black and Brown Unity Event, Feb 2015.
Many moons and decades ago in Angeles Crest Forest when 4 young men were communing with nature, a thirsty quest for vision.
With Rogue Summers, Luis Fonseca, & Richard Rivera