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Baptized as a baby in 1965 With childhood buddy Sean and dogs Choncha and Snowball, circa mid-1970s My 5th Birthday Party at Salt Lake Park (Huntington Park), May 1970
My Great-grandparents (paternal) Ignacio and Maria Araujo, from Tameapa, Sinaloa
My father with his two sisters Tia Catalina My Great-Grandmother’s brother, Herculano
I Graduated with Highest Honors from St. John Bosco High School, Class of 1983 Pictured here with mi Tia Catalina, Nino Miguel, Tia Elisa and cousin Mario With mi ahijado Ricardo Montero, circa late-1970s With him again, some 28 years later My first car and truck, early-1980s My father with his older sister Marta
An old photograph of my late Tia Migde with her good friend Angelica Maria (famous actress/singer), and little Angeliquita (better known today as Leti la Fea from "la fea mas bella" telenovela)
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