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In Puerto Rico with Bill Colón (CEO and President of the Latino Institute)

With Sarita Brown (Excelencia in Education)


Maya y Ciani 


Pics from Universal Studios







CSUSB Commencement Ceremony 2005


Mi Tia Elisa (1999)  


Maya turns 2 years old (May 2006)




Diego's first tooth fell out on Friday June 24th, 2005, on our way to the King Tut exhibit


Erick is one of the scholarship students that I sponsored in Punta Banda, Baja CA, Mexico.

In this picture he was in secondary school and achieving at a 9.8 GPA (equivalent to a very strong "A")

He graduated from his "prepa" (high school) in 2009 and was accepted into medical school at UABC.


Chicago trip, 2005




  Elsa Zavala (top left) turned 40 years old (Sept 2005)

Here she is from when we went on our Baja CA trip (circa 1984)


In July 06, her sister Rosa Zavala (Mexican twin) then turned 40 years old


                              Compadres Francisco Ramirez and Vicente Marino                                    With mi ahijado Ollin


Maya and I at Disney's CA Adventure 


Pool party Summer 2006

   Don Chon

                    Quetzalcoatl Temazcalli             Award-Winning "Asador" BBQ in my backyard

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Aguacaliente Rez in Palm Springs

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Visiting Tia Catalina and Tio Miguel on Thanksgiving 2007


Christmas 2008 – kids decorated our tree with their stuffed animals. Diego also has a new dog named Shay’man 

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                               The Mexican Santa I made for my mother

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