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Gladys Night at San Manuel Casino


Maya passes Ballet test

Diego turns 12 years old









Spring Festival 2011





Maya's first award March 2011



My mother turned 77



LEAD Action


 Diego graduates from 6th Grade



Diego gets crow; straight shot to the heart


  Diego loves to fish


Maya climbs trees


Quechi starts 2nd grade

and loves to bake

Description: https://mail.csusb.edu/attach/IMG00154-20120106-1753.jpg?sid=&mbox=INBOX&charset=escaped_unicode&uid=996609042&number=2&filename=IMG00154-20120106-1753.jpg

At the "Amar es Entregarse" Awards- 13th Annual Bishop's Dinner - Palm Springs Air Museum

- pictured here with Bishop Rutilio del Riego, and Chico Garza (right), the 2012 awardee

  Description: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\bishop del riego1.jpg