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On October 19th, 2010, I was at the East Room of the White House, to witness the signing of a new Executive Order by President Obama (White House Initiative on Educational Excellence of Hispanics)


Eduardo Padron       Raul Yzaguirre



Thelma Melendez









Christmas 2010



Diego's penacho, he hand-made himself






Cuba visit – Jan 2011
















   tomb of Jose Marti





 With Capt James Martinez, both of us got awarded that evening by Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Description: https://mail.csusb.edu/attach/Dr.%20Enrique%20Murillo%20&%20Cpl.%20James%20Martinez,%2011-11-11.jpg?sid=&mbox=INBOX&charset=escaped_unicode&uid=153239&number=4&filename=Dr.%20Enrique%20Murillo%20%26%20Cpl.%20James%20Martinez%2C%2011-11-11.jpg