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With San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro - LEAD 2013


LEAD Summit IV 2013 group picture



With Congressman Raul Ruiz - LEAD 2013


https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/5442_564433256921708_1272488800_n.jpg VIP Dinner - 2013 https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/479880_564432886921745_1945659292_n.jpg


In Rosarito/Puerto Nuevo celebrating my Birthday weekend - May 2014

with cousin Carlos  My cake in PN

lobster dinner with family and friends


In Fontana Sundowners on actual birthDAY 2014

A throwback from circa 1983

Dancing intertribal - Condor Eagle Pow Wow - May 2014



Supervisor James Ramos gave invocation; and I was keynote at the Nuestra Graduacion - Latino Grad; SB Comm College District 2014




 Maya turns 10 years old






ALFSS Indigenous and Latino Grad 2014


Made this dreamcatcher for Angela Belen



Capt Jesus Acuña-Perez' retirement ceremony


At 15 years old, Diego became the youngest member of the Urban Conservation Corps.


https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10644904_10152421241144506_2958140905521141048_n.jpg?oh=7a9ccaa9a629e6d8937277092edaeeed&oe=5490A984&__gda__=1419159547_4a88e029b7d1104db9aa299f8daceb76 https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10687164_10152421241064506_4383836316228736145_n.jpg?oh=91ba7e996d44e1273de446a409f1feb5&oe=54849DF3&__gda__=1422171302_11618e4abfcc9530cc3d2ae3905962f0https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10646812_10152421241109506_9166932078635407809_n.jpg?oh=b9777655992592d4db7bce69c73ba8f4&oe=5499CB9B&__gda__=1418225037_441387c1c97aa80f843406c644fb1b9d

Prepping for Dia de los Muertos 2014 with new masks and large face cut-out