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At one year-old       First Holy Communion 

En Culiacan, Sinaloa con mi Tata Poli (maternal grandfather)


Early years in High School


I worked at McDonalds in Bell, CA during my teenage years


1983 Valentine's Day Dance at St. Matthias High School, with "Big Blue Crew" (Mickey D employees)

1983 St. Patrick's Day dance at Bell High School with Lisa Noriega, Susie Munoz & Luis Fonseca 


In 2005 with Lisa Noriega again (more than 22 years later)


High School Prom with Indiana Molina, 1983  


  With UCLA folks in Baja CA, circa 1987


With Evelyn Blanco and Rosa Carrillo at CSU Long Beach (circa 1984)

I'm in the middle dressed at Santa Claus


  Reunited with Rosa more than 20 years later. Pictured here (shaven) on Main St. Disneyland during summer 2007 when my cousin Carlos and his girlfriend Claudia (pictured below) visited from Guadalajara.


I grew up with las hermanas Noriega (Nena, Deborah, Marta and Lisa

(we had not seen each other in close to 20 years before this photo)

Maya takes swimming lessons, Summer 2007



Grave sites in Culiacan



Capilla de Malverde




La Lomita




Maya turns 4










The Men of the Latino Educational Projects Office Staff (“chalanes”): Mario Valenzuela, Luis Martinez, me, Humberto Quintana, and Marco Leal


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