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Chilling in green room with my golden gloves homies from East Los, Oscar de la Hoya
more pics above of same event, with TEACH.GOV
pictured here with Secretary Arne Duncan, Oscar again, Mayor Villaraigosa, John Legend, among others
A Personal Note from Secretary Duncan
LEAD - HACU Presentation, Sunday Oct 21, 2012, Washington DC
Top, left to right: Stephen Villasenor, Rob Garcia, Enrique Murillo, President Tomas Morales, Cesar Caballero, Robie Madrigal, and Julian Alcazar.
Bottom, left to right; Iwona Contreras, Patty Aguilera, Aurora Vilchis, Caroline Sue Caballero, and Nori Sogomonian.
Chinese Acrobats – San Manuel Casino
Kids vacation in Costa Rica
Maya first grade
Diego's rocket launch at LA Science Center (day camp summer 2011)
Mi mulacha-girl loses her first tooth, then a month later her second tooth (summer 2011)
Father-Daughter day at Disneyland (summer 2011)
Maya 2nd grade
Maya gets Subtraction award
LAIR exhibit at LA Zoo
Disneyland Holidays 2013