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The Government of Mexico Presents National "Ohtli" Award to Dr. Enrique Murillo, Jr.
September 15, 2014
Dr. Enrique Murillo, Jr. received the prestigious “Ohtli” award (Premio Ohtli) from the Government of Mexico at the 2014 Mexican Independence Event (Grito) hosted by the Consulate of Mexico in San Bernardino and co-sponsored by LEAD.
The Ohtli award is given to individuals to recognize their exceptional contributions to the well-being, prosperity and empowerment of Mexican communities living outside of Mexico.
The Ohtli Award is the highest honor and distinction bestowed on a member of the Mexican or Mexican-American community by the Government of Mexico. This award acknowledges and celebrates the altruistic dedication and constant professional activities done towards the empowerment and development of their fellow compatriots abroad. This acknowledgment also honors people who have dedicated most of their lives and career to “blazing a trail” for younger generations of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans as they strive to achieve their dreams.
The Ohtli Award is granted once a year and consists of a medallion, a silver rosette, and a diploma signed by the President of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME), an institution that seeks to strengthen the bonds between Mexico and its diaspora.
The word Ohtli means “path” in Nahuatl (language of the Aztecs), and this is what this distinction signifies: to open the path to progress. The title honors and recalls the continued tradition of Aztec descendants who still bid farewell with the phrase “Cualli ohtli!” (To have a good trail/journey). Poets in Nahuatl would ask “what is the path the heart should take? The straight/unbent path, is the only path to achieve your destiny”.
The Ohtli Award is a symbol of appreciation of Dr. Murillo's life journey, marked by uncountable selfless actions made throughout the years towards helping others and opening the path to progress for fellow Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and diaspora living both in and outside their home country.
Introduction by Mexican Consul Carolina Zaragoza Flores, and presentation accompanied by CSUSB President Morales: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=846386462046659&set=vb.100000259407546&type=2&theater
Dr. Murillo's Acceptance Remarks: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10203311981346322&set=vb.1413981021&type=2&theater#