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Abuelos con nietos
Dancing with the Eno-Econeechi Band of the Saponi at their annual pow-wow
Diego Koyotzin touched the mother earth for the first time
in a special ceremony along the Eno River in Hillsborough, North Carolina (conducted by Chief John Blackfeather Jeffries). He was born at Durham Regional Hospital in Durham, North Carolina on March 31, 1999 at 8:24 pm. He was 8 lbs 8 oz. and 21 inches.
Maya had her special naming ceremony in Whittier, CA (conducted by Rev. Chief Marvin Swallow)
Sus Padrinos for the special day are Jorge and Sandra Castro
Abi con Quechi
Mi chiquita girl
Chilling in Vegas
My mother taught me to dream
In Chicago with Sonia Nieto and Margarita Machado (2004)
En mi Viejo San Juan in Puerto Rico (2006)
I call this one "colegas"
Thanksgiving / Christmas 2006 / New Years 06-07
Mi Puchi Boy as a baby
2007 Disneyland with Patty
Tia Elisa con Dieguito
circa 1968
circa 1971