View Large Image    Handbook of Latinos and Education: Theory, Research & Practice



Enrique G. Murillo, Jr.


Sofia A. Villenas

Ruth Trinidad Galván

Juan Sánchez Muñoz

Corinne Martínez

Margarita Machado-Casas


Section Editors:

Douglas E. Foley

Norma E. González

Eugene García

Esteban Díaz


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Section I:

History, Theory and


Section II:

Policies and Politics

Section III:

Language and Culture

Section IV:

Teaching and Learning

Section V:

Resources and Information





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This site was created

to facilitate the planning, design, and execution

of the pre-production editorial duties, so as to publish the


 Processual Steps/Timeline

Contents Map of Organizing Themes & Topic Areas

Chapter Assembly Tasks & Pre-Production Forms

Original Prospectus Considerations

Invitation Letters 

This Handbook of Latinos and Education (HLE) has the unique purpose and function of profiling the scope and terrain of this particular domain of academic inquiry. It presents the most significant and potentially influential work in the field of Latinos and Education, in terms of its contributions to research, to professional practice, and to the emergence of related interdisciplinary studies and theory.

There was a multi-stakeholder collaboration that involved a team made up of an Editor-In-Chief, Editors, Section Editors, an Advisory Board, Consultants, Chapter Authors, and LEA/T&F Acquisitions / Production Manager / CopyEditors.

The Handbook captures the field at this point in time -- each chapter offers a comprehensive review of research and practice on the topic that is its focus (not a research report of a single study, but a piece representing the authors' particular point of view, etc...)

There is an Editorial Board (that helped us build a contents map, reviewed chapter drafts, and identified the most pertinent resources for the appendix). 

There were Consultants that worked with specific authors and chapters (to comprehensively review key scholars, the array of conceptual, philosophical and methodological approaches, and the main programs of research and lines of thinking).

Editors and Section Editors worked with the respective Section Teams, to hold the sections together conceptually and address any gaps in the knowledge base.

Updated on April 25, 2009: contact Enrique G. Murillo, Jr., Ph.D. with comments or suggestions.