EELB 313 - Murillo
(6 hours to be completed in an approved public school setting, total of 30 points)
3 Field Assignments
Assignment # 1, 10 Points, Due Session 4
Assignment # 2, 10 Points, Due Session 7
Assignment # 3, 10 Points, Due Session 9
*** Turn in your Field Assignment LOG and EVALUATION forms (pages 75 & 77 of MS Handbook) separately to me Session 10.
Type-Out each question and place your response just below it. Please utilize proper “paragraph” form, good grammar and the format provided for you in your writing.
Tear out appropriate Scoring Rubric from Attachments, and staple on top as a cover sheet.
Assignment # 1: The Lau Remedies (Due Session 4)
1) What do the Lau Remedies say about: identification, classification and placement of ELL ?
2) How is one ELL identified, classified (CELDT/other proficiency levels) and placed into classrooms ? Be as specific as possible i.e., what defines different levels etc.
3) What kind of instructional program does this ELL student receive, include ELD ?
4) What (social/cultural/linguistic) background information did you obtain about this student ?
5) What did you learn about the process of how ELL are identified, classified, & placed ?
Assignment # 2: Conversational and Academic Language (Due Session 7)
Observe one ELL student ( CELDT level: Beginning, Early Intermediate, or Intermediate and describe the kind of English language (CALP and/or BICS) that the student uses in formal instructional contexts like the classroom and in non-academic contexts like the playground. The purpose of this assignment is for you to observe an ELL child in “two” different contexts and to record what type of English (CALP/BICS) the child uses in each context.
1) Describe “each”of the two context including the explicit activities the student and those with him/her were engaged in ?
2) What specific dialogue (transcription) was the student engaged in for each context ? What did the child and others actually say ! Not your interpretation of what they said.
3) From the dialogue in each context was the student engaged in BICS or CALPS ? Explain and provide
specific transcript examples !
4) From your observations do you think this student is understanding/comprehending classroom instruction in English ? i.e., examples ?
5) What did you learn about Academic and Conversational English language proficiency from this observation
experience ?
Assignment # 3: Parent Participation at School (Due Session 9)
Your final field assignment focuses on parents in school or classroom activities:
1) Is there a written plan for teachers on parental participation ? (What does it say, if not, what does the school
do ? )
2) What does the plan say about minority parent participation ? Do you think minority parents would participate? (If no plan, what do teachers do ? )
3) What obstacles might parents encounter to school participation ?
4) What did you expect ? Is the plan what you expected ? If no plan what do teachers/school do for PP ? Explain..
5) What did you learn about this school’s parent participation plan ?