Course Evaluation

EELB 612 “Social and Cultural Contexts for School Learning”

Instructor: Enrique G. Murillo, Jr., Ph.D.
Quarter?      Section?

1) Did the course increase your knowledge and awareness of the Social and Cultural Contexts for School Learning? (Did you actually learn anything?)

                    Not Much!      1      2      3      4      5      A Great Deal!

2) Did the course provide information you can actually use in your professional practice and/or research of education?

                               No       1      2      3      4      5      Yes

3) The instructor made the class . . .

                     a total bore     1      2      3      4      5      fun, interesting, exciting, etc...

4) The instructor was . . .

                  totally ignorant   1      2      3      4      5       well informed

5) The instructor was . . .

   unavailable and insensitive  1      2      3      4      5      open to input from the class

6) Course expectations and requirements were . . .

      unrealistic and excessive  1      2      3      4      5      fair and reasonable

7) What did you like best about the class? (use back side if needed)

8) What would you like to see changed? (use back side if needed)

Additional Comments: (use back side if needed)