EELB 313 - Murillo
The most challenging role. Makes sure that the individual and group tasks are understood by all. Sees that group
members get the help they need. Encourages those who have finished to help others. Calls on the professor if the group is not able to help or find a solution to a problem. Finds out if everyone is done.
Makes sure that everyone has completed their individual tasks. Initializes completed individual work and
collects them..
Sees to it that the needed materials are gathered and set-up for use by the group. This is the only person who can
get materials.
Makes sure that all returnable materials are returned, and discards disposable trash. Makes sure all the
individual and collective works are in one single file, stapled and handed in to professor.
Recorder/ Reporter:
Records main ideas / responses to group task and reports-out when called upon by the teacher. Records which roles
students had on which day.
Translator/ Drawer:
Draws pictures or writes for group. Translates between English Language Learners (ELL's) and English-Only
speakers. Assists ELL's to understand task..