EELB 313 - Murillo


Scenario 3: Grade 4 Life Sciences, Adaptation of Content Specific Pedagogy for English Learners

Directions: Read the contextual information below for this scenario. Analyze the information and incorporate it into your responses to the prompts.


Elements of a Learning Experience for 2 Days in a Unit

Grade: 4                   Content Area:                  Science Subject Matter: Life Sciences

Time Period for Whole Unit: 3 weeks

State-adopted Academic Content Standards for Students
Life Science
3 Living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for survival. As a basis for understanding this concept,
    a) students know ecosystems can be characterized by their living and nonliving components
    b) students know that in any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some
        survive less well, and some cannot survive at all
    c) students know that many plants depend on animals for pollination and seed dispersal, and animals depend on
        plants for food and shelter
    d) students know that most microorganisms do not cause disease and that many are beneficial

Learning Goals for Whole Unit
Students will be able to do the following with focus on survival:
* perform investigations, including formulation of predictions, testing prediction, and drawing conclusions
* collect information by observing, measuring, and graphing
* compare, contrast, and evaluate basic principles of survival

Relationship to Preceding and Subsequent Learning Experiences
Basic principles of survival will be covered in a manner similar to other scientific units. Science process skills are important investigation tools, and opportunities for developing them are provided throughout the unit. Some of the skills, such as observation and measurement, have been covered in other scientific units and will again be used in the next unit on rocks and minerals.


Outline of Plans for Days 1 and 2

The following outline addresses some of the academic content standards and unit goals, but it is not expected that the students will achieve them during the two days.

Instructional Strategies
* On Day 1, lead a discussion about the term “living organisms:” characteristics, examples, and habitats. Write ideas on the board. Have students independently read a handout concerning a frog that has recently become extinct. Then present the following scenario: “Choose an animal and investigate its habitat and how it meets its needs.” Have students use library resources, encyclopedias, or the Internet and write two or three paragraphs using newly acquired scientific terms to explain their answers to classmates.
* On Day 2, allow students to complete written response. Have students practice with a partner orally summarizing their written work. Them have then individually share their oral summaries using newly acquired scientific terms with the whole class and receive feedback on the accuracy of their understanding of animal habitats.

Student Activities
* Participate in discussion about “living organisms.” Read the handout about the extinct frog. Listen to and carefully consider the scenario. Use library resources, encyclopedias, or the Internet to research answers and write two or three paragraphs using newly acquired scientific terms and applying them to the scenario.
* Complete the written responses. Practice with a partner to orally summarize their written work. Present oral summary, using newly acquired scientific terms, to whole class. Provide feedback to other students on the accuracy of their understanding of animal habitats.

Progress Monitoring
* Teacher will use class discussion, oral presentation, journal writing, quizzes on scientific terms, and portfolios to determine the level of learning.
* Students will receive written and oral feedback from the teacher and oral feedback from peers.


Student Description (English Learner)

Elena is 9-year old 4rth grader. She is from Mexico and both of her parents are professionals. Her extended family includes aunts, uncles, and cousins. Her grandparents live in Mexico and she and her family visit then in the summer. She has been in the United States for one and a half years. She is literate in Spanish and often reads Spanish books and magazines. Her report card from her school in Mexico indicate above average grades. Elena is somewhat shy socially but is well liked and works well in small groups. She is seldom absent from school. The CELDT results indicate an overall score in the Early Intermediate range, and she has been identified as an English learner. (Listening and Speaking = 240, Early intermediate level. Reading =121.25, Early intermediate level. Writing =120, Early Intermediate level. )



Written Response to: “What is your favorite family day?”

A Special Family Celebration

My grandparent have special celebration. They have marry 45 years. My mother and father and me make long trip to Mexico to celebrate. We carry especial gift it is a picture of all family. My tio, tia and primos going to. We like visit grandparent and especial celebration. All family cool especial food of Mexico for celebration. I remember in Mexico we all time together. I miss my abuelita and abuelito. That is the name we say for grandparent in my country. The celebration is fun we see and play. My grandparent very happy. I want to stay in Mexico. Soon we say adios.


Transcript of Oral Response to: “Tell me about your dance class.”

I like my dance class at community center. I think pretty things. I dance in pretty dress. I like my dress everybody look me and say “Elena is pretty.” Everybody take my picture. I am in newspaper. When I dancing I feel good. I like that.



Directions: (Type your responses in the space directly below each prompt.) Review the contextual information for this scenario and use the information to respond to the following:

1) Identify two specific learning needs the student has as an English learner, based on the student’s description and responses.

2a) Identify one instructional strategy or student activity from the outline of plans that could be challenging for the student.

2b) Explain why the strategy or activity you choose could be challenging to the student. Use your knowledge of English learners and your analysis of the student’s learning needs in your explanation.

3a) Describe how you would adapt the strategy or activity you identified above to meet the learning needs of the student. Consider specific subject matter pedagogy when writing your description.

3b) Explain how your adaptation would be effective for the student in making progress toward:
a) the learning goal(s) of the lesson b) English language development
In your explanation of adaptation, refer to specific aspects of the student description and to the sample of proficiency in English.

4a) Which progress monitoring assessment from the outline of plans would you choose to monitor this student’s progress toward achieving the learning goal(s) in life sciences?

4b) Give a rationale for your choice of progress monitoring assessment. Use your knowledge of science content in this unit, science pedagogy, and this student’s English language abilities in your rationale.

5) Based on what you learned about this student’s English proficiency, what would be your next steps in planning to facilitate her English language development? Consider specific information from the student description and her written and oral language samples when responding.