Enrique G. Murillo, Jr., Ph.D.

College of Education


EELB 313 - Murillo


Session Number

Topics and Lectures

Class Activities  

 Reading Assignments

(be ready to discuss)  

Due Dates


– Introduction
– Introductions, bio sheets

– The course, readings, assignments, perspectives
requirements, evaluation, etc . . .

– What do we mean by pedagogical foundations ?

What do we mean by "diversity" in California’s public schools ?

What do we mean by academic development ?
(Discuss Field Assignment # 1: Identification, Classification...)

*** A note on school & course use of labels !!!

- Set up email listserve

– Bilingualism, Diversity and Literacy Socialization

– What is dual-language instruction? What’s its purpose ?

– Compare & Contrast the literacy
socialization practices of mainstream
and minority homes?

–How do they differ? Why ?

Who are the English Language
Learners (ELL's) in our schools ?

(** use readings plus CDE websites:
see Internet Assignment sheet**)

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 1)

– Faltis (Chap. 1)

– Internet Written Assignment Due
– Equity, Politics and the Courts

– Is there inequality in public education ?

– What do we mean by equality of education ?

– What was the Brown vs. School Board
Supreme Court decision of 1954 ?


– What was the Federal Bilingual
Education Act of 1968 ?

– What was the Lau vs. Nichols Supreme
Court Decision of 1974 ?

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 9)

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap.10)

– Faltis (Chap. 2)

– Language, Proficiency and Content Instruction

– What is conversational (BICS) and academic (CALPS) language ?

– What is’s the difference between
language acquisition and language learning ?

– What is Contextualized and
Decontextualized instruction ?

– What is Comprehensible Input (CI) ?

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 3)

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 4)

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 5)

– Faltis (Chap. 4)

– Field Assignment #1 Due
– CELDT and English
Language Development

– What are Primary and Second
Language acquisition?

– Why use the students’ primary
language (L1) for instruction ?

– What are the English Language
Development (ELD) Standards ?

– How do you organize ELD instruction
for one EL student ?

– How do you differentiate ELD instruction
for different CELDT levels ? What is SDAIE ?

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 6)

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 7)

– Faltis (Chap. 3)

– Program and
Instructional Models

- What are dual-language program models ?

– What is Compensatory (Title I) Education ?
(** use readings plus web-sites and C & I Matrix**)

– Which instructional models are most effective and
which are least effective with ELL’s?

– What are the key differences between the major
instructional approaches
i.e., bilingual ed., ESL, chapter 1 etc. we’ve discussed in class ?

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 2)

 – Midterm Due

– Culture, Context
and Academic

– Vygotsky and the Social Origins of teaching/learning.

– What behaviors, values & cultural knowledge
are you required to learn in order to become a
member of the professional tribe called “teachers” ?

– Were you born with these values, behaviors
and knowledge ? If not where did/are you learning them ?

– How are Curriculum & Instruction “cultural practices”
of the school ?

– From a socio-cultural perspective, How do children learn ?

– Lessow-Hurley (Chap. 9)
– Field Assignment #2 Due
- Facilitating Interaction & Communication in Small Group Work

– How do you prepare for cooperative group work?

– What are scaffolding and dialogue strategies ?

– Why do children interact & communicate ?

– What instructional principles guide the organization
of Cooperative group work ?

– Faltis (Chap. 5)
– C & I Matrix Due
– School and Community/What is Parent Participation

– Why would you want to involve parents in school-related activities ?

– What would parents do if they came to your classroom ?

- What is Faltis's multi-level model for community participation ?

– How do local schools plan for Parent Participation?

– Faltis (Chap. 6)

-Field Assignment #3 Due

- Course Evaluation Due



- Responding to Teacher Performance

Assessment (TPA):

English Language Development

– What characteristics do effective schools and teachers dmonstrate?

– What key instructional principles have you
learned about in this course ?

– TPA Practice Scenario:
(Use information from Field Assignments)

– How would you identify the learning needs
of ELLs ? What teaching/learning strategies would
be challenging ?

– How would you adapt these strategies for an ELL ?

– How would you assess student progress ?

– Faltis (Chap. 7)

– Finals Due

– Log Due